In this post I will show you some of the most useful MySQL commands.
For how to install MySQL please, check my previous tutorial
1) MySQL server default
MySQL Default Databases:
i) mysql
ii) information_schema
iii) test
MySQL Default Accounts:
i) root
ii) anonymous
2) Administering MySQL Database commands:
A) Login into Mysql:
i) Login into MySQL with user having no password:
~]# mysql -u username
ii) Login into mysql with password
~]# mysql -u username -ppassword
B) Working with database after login into MySQL.
i) To check the all databases present.
mysql> show databases;
ii) To select database on which you have to work:
mysql> use databasename
iii) creating new database:
mysql> create database linux;
iv) Removing database.
mysql> drop database databasename:
v) After selecting database if you have to see particular table structure:
mysql> desc tablename;
C) Controlling user access on MySQL.
i) In mysql database user table is the table which controls the login of the user. To check current available users.
mysql> use myql;
mysql> select host,user from user;
ii) To enabled remote login of user into mysql.
mysql> update user set host='%' where user='username';
Note: Specify localhost for disabling remote login at the place of '%' sign.
iii) To check currently login user;
mysql> select user();
iv) To set encrypted password for any user:
mysql> set password for 'mayur'@'%' = password ('mypass');
mysql> select user,host,password from user;
We can verify the hash algorithm use in password function as follow:
mysql> select password('mypass');
It will show you the same encrypted password which you can see in user table.
v) For security purpose if you want to disabled remote root login:
mysql> update user set host='localhost' where user='root';
vi) Deleting user from MySQL database:
mysql> delete from mysql.user where user='username';
mysql> flush privileges;
D) Granting and revoking user permissions.
i) Granting permission on any database;
mysql> grant all on db1.* to 'username'@'localhost';
For giving read only access.
mysql> grant select on db1.* to 'username'@'localhost';
To give full access on all databases with grant option.
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'username'@'localhost' with grant option;
Giving limited access on queries for user due to performance reasons.
mysql> alter user 'username'@'localhost' with max_queries_per_hour 50;
ii) Revoking permission on any database;
mysql> revoke all privileges with grant option from user 'username'@'localhost';
To remove some specific options from any database.
mysql> revoke update,insert on db1.* from 'username'@'localhost';
E) Backup and restore mysql database.
i) Backup MySQL Database.
~]# mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename > dumpfile.sql
~]# mysqldump -u root -pmypass db1 > db1.sql
ii) Backup MySQL Database with structure only.
~]# mysqldump -u username -ppassword -no-data databasename > dumpfile.sql
iii) Backup MySQL database with Data without structure.
~]# mysqldump -u username -ppassword -no-create-info databasename > dumpfile.sql
iv) Restoring MySQL Database.
~]# mysql -u username -ppassword < dumpfile.sql
3) MySQL Performance commands:
i) If your database is huge and continuously updating there might be situation where your query will return bad data.
To avoid this use analyze command.
mysql> analyze table table_name;
ii) To Avoid defragmentation problem in MySQL;
mysql> optimize table table_name;
iii) Detecting problems in database (Integraty of data)
mysql> check table table_name;
iv) Repairing error in table found detect using check command.
mysql> repair table table_name;
4) MySQL Table commands:
i) List all tables in current database;
mysql> show tables;
ii) Create New table
mysql> create table table_name( column1 int(10) not null primary key auto_increment,
column2 varchar(50) not null,
column3 varchar(50) null,
iii) Alter Table
mysql> alter table table_name add[column];
mysql> alter table table_name drop[column];
iv) Adding primary key in existing table:
mysql> alter table table_name add primary key (column,..)
v) Removing primary key from existing table:
mysql> alter table table_name drop primary key;
vi) Deleting table from database:
mysql> drop table table_name;
vii) Inserting data into table.
mysql> insert into table ( column1,column2,..)
values (value1, value2...);
viii) Updating data in table.
mysql> update table_name set column1=value1 where condition;
ix) Delete from rows from table;
mysql> delete from table_name where condition;
x) Searching data in table.
mysql> select * from table_name where condition;
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